It’s go time! The hardest part is over. The goodbyes. The packing. The anticipation.
The preparation. That is all over; now
it is time to enjoy it. What is it that
I am going to enjoy, you may ask?
Once again I find myself with an amazing opportunity to travel. This time it is not nearly as ambitions as World Tour; but in the same spirit, I am traveling for one month through 4 countries in South America (Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru) with a group of 11 Ball State Architecture students and 2 professors. This trip counts towards my summer term of classes required for the master’s program in architecture. I have no idea what I did to deserve such a trip as this, let alone come across the opportunity to begin with, but I am here. I plan to make the most of it. Sometimes I feel guilty for these once-in-a-lifetime chances I have been blessed with. Because of this, I have to make it count for myself, my family, friends, and even acquaintances who may never have the chance to visit South America.
Looking back on World Tour, I learned so much about myself and who I am as a person. Not only did I discover invaluable culture and architecture, God began to open my eyes and show me the world in a way I have never experienced before. I can only hope for the same experience on this trip. I am on my way to South America for a reason. God blessed me with this opportunity, and I wish, more than anything, to share it with as many people who will listen. I will share it all: the good, the bad, and the moments in between, because traveling is more about the journey than the destination.
Once again I find myself with an amazing opportunity to travel. This time it is not nearly as ambitions as World Tour; but in the same spirit, I am traveling for one month through 4 countries in South America (Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru) with a group of 11 Ball State Architecture students and 2 professors. This trip counts towards my summer term of classes required for the master’s program in architecture. I have no idea what I did to deserve such a trip as this, let alone come across the opportunity to begin with, but I am here. I plan to make the most of it. Sometimes I feel guilty for these once-in-a-lifetime chances I have been blessed with. Because of this, I have to make it count for myself, my family, friends, and even acquaintances who may never have the chance to visit South America.
Looking back on World Tour, I learned so much about myself and who I am as a person. Not only did I discover invaluable culture and architecture, God began to open my eyes and show me the world in a way I have never experienced before. I can only hope for the same experience on this trip. I am on my way to South America for a reason. God blessed me with this opportunity, and I wish, more than anything, to share it with as many people who will listen. I will share it all: the good, the bad, and the moments in between, because traveling is more about the journey than the destination.
(a little while later)
World Tour was unique in that I began the trip by myself. To elaborate, I did not know anyone that I went with. A few people were classmates that I shared studio with, but we were not close friends. I signed up and decided to leave home for a semester and travel without knowing anyone, which by the way, is completely unlike me. By an act of God, funds were made possible and my parents willingly supported me through the whole process, even though I am sure they were more scared than I was. I felt drawn to this trip as my own adventure, just me and God. You see it’s the most challenging and uncomfortable times in my life that I feel closest to Him, which last time I checked that is how it is supposed to work. I have never been more terrified, excited, and just plain nervous than I have the day I boarded that plane to leave for World Tour. That feeling is something I will be chasing for the rest of my life because those moments are the ones that are the most rewarding.
Of course I jumped at the chance to take another trip. World Tour was an amazing trip of self-discovery, but even with the comfort of God by side, it got pretty lonely at times. I see this trip to South America a little differently. This time I have a pre-established friend to travel with me, a great friend and former roommate, Amanda Heinzman. While I still hope for another trip of self-discovery, I am beyond excited to share my experiences with a friend this time, a friend who knows me almost as well as I know myself. That being said, there are apparent differences between the two of us. If you know both of us at all, you just laughed. We are complete opposites in some aspects, which is what leads me to believe this will be a memorable, yet enjoyable trip. I am the introvert who needs “me time”, while Amanda is the extrovert who requires an excessive amount of attention. She is generally excited to share, more like force, her happiness on anyone and everyone around her. I am laid back and chill the majority of the time. She is a tourist. I am a traveler. There has been a running joke for a couple months that since I am an experienced traveler, I will have to watch out for Amanda and keep her alive. (probably true) What she probably does not realize is that she will be keeping me alive as well. She reminds me that it is ok to be excited about the littlest things in life. Let’s just say her energy is enough for the both of us. Please, standby for our exciting and sure-to-be-entertaining adventures in South America.
World Tour was unique in that I began the trip by myself. To elaborate, I did not know anyone that I went with. A few people were classmates that I shared studio with, but we were not close friends. I signed up and decided to leave home for a semester and travel without knowing anyone, which by the way, is completely unlike me. By an act of God, funds were made possible and my parents willingly supported me through the whole process, even though I am sure they were more scared than I was. I felt drawn to this trip as my own adventure, just me and God. You see it’s the most challenging and uncomfortable times in my life that I feel closest to Him, which last time I checked that is how it is supposed to work. I have never been more terrified, excited, and just plain nervous than I have the day I boarded that plane to leave for World Tour. That feeling is something I will be chasing for the rest of my life because those moments are the ones that are the most rewarding.
Of course I jumped at the chance to take another trip. World Tour was an amazing trip of self-discovery, but even with the comfort of God by side, it got pretty lonely at times. I see this trip to South America a little differently. This time I have a pre-established friend to travel with me, a great friend and former roommate, Amanda Heinzman. While I still hope for another trip of self-discovery, I am beyond excited to share my experiences with a friend this time, a friend who knows me almost as well as I know myself. That being said, there are apparent differences between the two of us. If you know both of us at all, you just laughed. We are complete opposites in some aspects, which is what leads me to believe this will be a memorable, yet enjoyable trip. I am the introvert who needs “me time”, while Amanda is the extrovert who requires an excessive amount of attention. She is generally excited to share, more like force, her happiness on anyone and everyone around her. I am laid back and chill the majority of the time. She is a tourist. I am a traveler. There has been a running joke for a couple months that since I am an experienced traveler, I will have to watch out for Amanda and keep her alive. (probably true) What she probably does not realize is that she will be keeping me alive as well. She reminds me that it is ok to be excited about the littlest things in life. Let’s just say her energy is enough for the both of us. Please, standby for our exciting and sure-to-be-entertaining adventures in South America.
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