Saturday, April 29, 2017

Australia. The End.

I haven’t written a blog for the past few days because how could I possibly follow up with anything exciting after the reef trip?  Maybe it was the slight ear problem, or maybe it is because I am homesick, but after Wednesday (the reef day) I was ready to head home.  I had done all the exciting things I went there to do and was out of energy.  I think I was also dreading the next few days because I knew getting home would not be nearly as fun as starting the trip. 

Thursday was a good day, but Syd and I were so exhausted that we did not do anything too exciting.  The first half of the day consisted of us lounging around the hostel.  Because most of the travelers at the hostel are out on day trips, it was a very quiet and relaxing morning.  I was able to get caught up on blogging and communicate with my parents and Nick.  Syd and I left after lunch to meander around the town of Cairns, mainly shopping and scoping out our restaurant of choice for dinner.  The whole trip I had been wanting a good seafood meal, and we decided to go for it in Cairns.

 We found a fancy restaurant located on the marina called, “Tha Fish.”  No, that was not a typo; the restaurant is actually “Tha Fish.”  I can honestly say I have never been to a restaurant where waiters fill up your glass after every drink.  They also placed napkins on our laps and set the table right in front of us.  It was definitely too fancy for our running shorts and tennis shoes attire, but the staff could not have treated us any better.  We should have felt out of place, but we didn’t.  This wraps up the Aussie spirit perfectly.  They are always friendly and happy to help.  I have heard that the Midwest is friendly.  Australia takes that mentality to a whole new level.  Anyway, Syd and I ended up ordering the exact same meal, even down to the wine choice.  Neither one of us regretted it either.  It was hands down the best baked Salmon I have ever had.  That meal was certainly the highlight of Thursday. 

The low point was when Syd and I realized we paid $30 each for transportation to the Marina on Wednesday, when we could have walked there from our hostel. To explain further, we were exploring Cairns earlier in the day and just happened to come across the marina that our boat tour docked on.  It was a 20 min walk from our hostel.  You win some, you lose some.  I will be sure to Google Map it next time.  The irony is that was probably the only activity we did not Google map.

Friday and today (Saturday) have been the most boring travel days.  Yesterday we left Cairns on a flight back to Sydney.  From Sydney we caught a train to our accommodation for the evening.  Syd had booked us a night at an AirBnB house outside the city a little ways.  She had stayed there before and knew it would be a good place; the only problem is that it takes an hour to get there.  I will always be amazed by how big the city is.  By the time we made it to the house it was about 4 p.m.  We were both exhausted and ready for a chill night; first we needed food.  The AirBnB is just around the corner from a neighborhood in Sydney known as Little Italy.  Naturally we took advantage of the location and found a great little café with authentic Italian dishes.  We enjoyed pasta and reflected on the highs and lows of our trip.  It was a little bittersweet, as I was sad to be leaving her, but excited to head back home.  I took comfort in the fact that it would not be another year and a half before I see her again.  She is planning on being home for the holidays, fingers crossed!  We found gelato on the way back and finished the evening watching Moana.

That brings me to today or technically still yesterday.  I am not sure how to relate to it.  I left for the airport around 8:30 a.m. Saturday (Sydney time) for my flight back to the states.  To save you the math, it was 6:30 p.m. Friday (Indiana time).  As I am typing it is almost 6 p.m. on Saturday.  I am still at Dallas.  As soon as we landed I turned on my data to find an email stating that my flight to Indy had been cancelled.  Welcome back to the states.  Something about coming back to America, I never seem to arrive to good news.  As soon as we got off the flight from World Tour, the Boston Bombings happened, I mean within minutes.  When I arrived home after South America, my luggage never showed up, the airlines had lost it.  This time my flight had been cancelled.

I spent a couple hours believing that I would have to be here in the airport until tomorrow morning. The airlines had so kindly rebooked me to a flight set to leave at 7a.m.  I had too many feelings and not enough prayers.  Honestly it was not the worst solution; given I had been sitting on a plane for 16 hours with little to no sleep, listening to the guy behind me lose his guts several times due to turbulence, I had no patience to wait another 15 hours sitting in an airport chair bored to death.  By the grace of God I was able to rebook that for a flight to Cincinnati later tonight.  Nick volunteered, although it would not have taken much sweet talking, to pick me up in Cincinnati around midnight tonight when I land.  So as of now, this is where my trip stands.  Hopefully all goes well and I will be sleeping in my own bed tonight in my new apartment that I had to leave so quickly.  If it does not though, I will be frustrated, probably mad, and upset.  That is how tired I am of public transportation right now.  It is always a rush to sit and wait.  All those feelings aside, I know this is just a part of it.  I still love traveling.  I still hate the inconveniences, but it is still worth it.  

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